Earth Day 2022 🌏 – Information You Need To Know And What You Should Do
Earth Day 2022 🌏: If you ask me what day I’m excited about, my answer would be 22 April every year. This year, I was fairly ecstatic about the 52nd celebration of Earth Day – had lots of fun and felt fulfilled celebrating it! But what made me so excited about it, anyway?
Well, that’s because of the exposure and addressing of the environmental problems we face today. It gives Earth a platform to voice out its distress.
As a result, what measures should we do every Earth Day, not just in 2022 or one particular year? Should we address more climate change, or advocate fervently about environmental sustainability?
Let me pour in my thoughts and views about it.
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A bit about Waster
Before we talk about Earth Day 2022, let me first discuss with you Waster.
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READ: How Many Times Can Plastic Be Recycled? ♻️
Now, let us continue with the blog on Earth Day 2022.
Earth Day 2022: what theme is it this year?
Since 2020, we’ve followed Earth Day and its yearly-changing themes.
In 2020, according to its official website, Earth Day’s theme was “climate action”. As for 2021, it was “Restore our Earth”. Now, this Earth Day 2022 that will occur in April 22, the theme will be “Invest in our Planet”.
With this in mind, we see all sorts of people advocating for climate change solutions.
Let us see what happens from here on come Earth Day 2022. I think it is also important to learn Earth Day’s history and what-not, so let’s have a go at it!
Read more: See blog on battery recycling.
Earth Day first started on 22 April 1970. It became a forum addressing the current problems we face here on Earth, usually pertaining to pollution, climate change, global warming, etc.
It all started in the United States when air pollution was rampant. This is due to the fact that back then, automobiles were very inefficient. Additionally, factories and such were emitting out so much air contaminants, but Americans looked at it positively, thinking prosperity is what this meant.
This all changed in 1970, thanks to the efforts of US senator Gaylord Nelson. He came up with the idea of Earth Day, after all.
20 million Americans backed him up on this, taking to the streets and voicing out their disdain on the environmental problems they faced at that time. And that moment inspired other countries to do the same.
Fast forward to today, and we have more than 190 countries participating – about a billion fighting for our environment!
How can we help on Earth Day 2022?
I, being a concerned citizen and all, want to share with you some ways on how we can help in Earth Day 2022. After all, small actions result in much bigger ones if done with passion!
1. Do not use plastic straws
This Earth Day 2022, one thing you could do is avoid, or at least minimise, using plastic straws. Try to find alternatives for it, e.g., metal straws, bamboo straws, or better yet, go strawless! Read our blog on plastic straws.
2. Try to plant a tree
If you’re listening to your science classes, you would definitely know how important trees are. They provide us with shade, oxygen, and all kinds of resources. Unfortunately, deforestation has now become rampant all across the globe. To counter this and help in the advocacy of Earth Day 2022, we could try to plant at least one tree. Imagine numerous people planting at least one tree… That would be great, right?

3. Go paperless
By now, I know many of us have already been accustomed to using the computer. Another way to promote Earth Day 2022 is to lessen the need for paper in an office, considering that many of us work in offices. Use e-mails instead of paper in sending documents whenever possible. Check out our blog on the paperless office for more information.
4. Divert organic waste from landfill
Another way to help in Earth Day 2022 is by diverting compostable, organic waste from landfill. Compost them in your garden, if possible – or send them to recyclers. That would be a win-win situation: Organic waste does not rot in a landfill, and you make your enrich your garden’s soil! Why is it bad to put organic waste in a landfill? Well, that is because when it decomposes there, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas.
5. Donate your old but still usable items
Instead of disposing of your still-usable items in the trash bin, why not donate them to the needy instead? For example, your used clothes can still be used by other people, so donating them to charity or organisations would be a good option. Other examples of donatable items include mattresses, food, toys, etc.
6. Volunteer cleaning up the environment
One more way of helping on Earth Day 2022 is to volunteer in cleaning the environment. If you have spare time, why not use it in cleaning the environment? Join a Clean Up Australia movement! Many people here in Australia would surely appreciate it, by all means.
Read more: See blog on recycling in schools.
Read more: See blog on Australia waste export.
More information on Waster
Does your Australian-based business need waste and recycling services? If so, then you have come to the right web page!
Please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837). You can also email us at enquiries@waster.com.au if you have any further questions. Find the best deals in terms of waste and recycling pricing and services!
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