General Waste Shredder ⚙️
General Waste Shredder ⚙️: Last time, we talked about one of the known examples of machinery that can help people deal with their waste. Today will be the same.
We can find many useful machines nowadays that help with waste management. Did you know that shredders are one of them? When you hear the word “shredding”, what comes to your mind? I know some of you only knows them as machines that destroy important possessions like credit card statements, confidential documents, and the like. To emphasise, we only know them as tools to use to prevent swindling people.
But did you know, as I have mentioned above, that we can also use them for waste management? To make waste management – as well as recycling – faster, easier, and more efficient, the waste management bodies have now also used general waste shredder machine. Read on to learn more information.
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A Bit About Waster
Before we continue with the discussion on the general waste shredder, let me share with you more information about Waster.

We here at Waster provide you with innovative solutions for you and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. Furthermore, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves to be better.
Click on the blue button to learn more.
READ: Waste Balers and Compactors 🗑️♻️
Discussing General Waste Shredder
Let us first define the term “shredder”. In essence, a shredder means a machine used for shredding. To elaborate further, any set material to be put on the shredder will have its size reduced.
As I have stated above, we know shredders as something used as a security measure (i.e., destroying confidential documents and statements). But we should know by now that different types of shredders exist based on the materials they process.
And obviously, judging by the blog’s topic for today, shredders aimed to process waste materials also exist. This includes materials like paper, cardboard, wood, plastic, metals, and tyres. Additionally, some shredders can also process e-waste, a troublesome waste that became more prominent today because of the booming of technology.
According to Small Business, we can categorise the general waste shredder into two. The first one is consumer shredder, where the paper shredder falls under. As the name suggests, consumers mostly use this type of shredder.
The other category is industrial shredders. Industrial shredders are usually bulky in terms of size and can process high volumes of plastic, wood, paper, and cardboard. Furthermore, industrial shredders consist of different kinds of cutting materials to easily shred given materials in bulk. This includes cutting systems with a different number and types of shafts.
Benefit In Waste Management
Especially in times like these, you would want to cut down costs. The same is true for the economy, as a whole. But we will focus more on waste management and recycling. So naturally, we all would look for ways on how we can do that without giving up productivity and efficiency.
One good solution to that is through the use of shredders. With the amount of waste growing at an astronomical rate day-by-day, we do really need the general waste shredder. It reduces the materials; what was once big in size will become small through shredding.
Furthermore, it can process many materials to a fragment of their original size, which will save space. This can also result in saving natural resources like fuel because trucks that transport waste will not have to go back and forth to move the waste because of their reduced, which makes transporting them much easier.
Businesses can also use this to save costs. The heavier the general waste bin is, the more expensive it becomes, so shredding the waste can remove the heaviness drastically. Additionally, you will also save up on employment and manpower costs when dealing with waste through the use of the general waste shredder machine.
Waste shredder machine price depends on may be a bit pricey when you take a first glance at it. But know that the benefits outweigh the price so far in the long run. Investing in a general waste shredder will prove better to you in the future.

And finally, the general waste shredder machine can hasten the biodegrading process. That is because shredded biodegradables tend to decompose faster.
General Waste Shredders: The Different Types
In this section, we will focus more on the industrial general waste shredder. As I have mentioned above, different types of industrial shredders exist.
Additionally, you should note that industrial, general solid waste shredders, depending on their type, process different kinds of waste. Knowing this will help your business. As a result, we will state examples looking at Waste Initiative’s offered commercial waste shredders.
1-Shaft Shredders
Waste Initiatives describes 1-shaft shredders as “high-volume shredders with sized output determined by perforated screen size,” this means that it can produce a number of accurately-sized shredded materials from a high volume of waste determined by its perforated screen.
In particular, it is mainly used by the plastic industry for in-house recycling. This general waste shredder is available in low or high-speed, depending on the material set for processing.
2-Shaft Shredders
1-shaft shredders accurately size the processed materials. Conversely, the 2-shaft shredders can be utilised wherein the user does not have to worry about output size. 2-shaft shredders are “slow-speed shredders aimed for heavy-duty size reduction”. They can process e-waste, plastic, tyres, slaughterhouse waste, and many more.
4-shaft Shredders
This type of shredder has a screen which determines the size of the shredded product. Furthermore, any shredder material that cannot fit through the holes is returned by the second set of cutters to the cutting chamber for re-shredding.
Examples of products it can shred include medical waste, tyres, documents, e-waste, hazardous waste, and mixed plastics, among other types of materials.
General Waste Shredder: Conclusion
Machinery – waste shredders, in particular – can very much help in waste reduction. It can help businesses save a significant amount of costs, as well as help the environment become more sustainable.
Waster: Things You Need To Know
If you’re looking for different bin services, check our waste recycling shop and find the best deals in terms of pricing and services.
Also, please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837), or email us at enquiries@waster.com.au if you have any further questions.
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