Inefficient Waste Management 🚯: By now, many people have learned what waste management is. They also know how important it is to society. But, there are still some waste management practices today that can be considered quite incompetent to today’s standards.

The end result of incompetent waste management is quite a wide range of negative effects on humans, animals, and the environment itself. And, for commercials, this can also affect your business quite poorly.

Let me discuss all of them with you in the following sections. Read on to learn more.


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A Bit About Waster

Before I discuss inefficient waste management, let me share with you more information about Waster.

We here at Waster provide you with innovative solutions for you and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. Furthermore, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves to be better.


Click on the blue button to learn more.



READ: Fruit And Vegetable Waste Management 🥕🥝


The Dangers Of Inefficient Waste Management

Weeks ago, I have discussed everything about efficient waste management. This time, I will discuss the opposite. Unfortunately, inefficient waste management is still prevalent in all parts of the world.

In particular, the waste collection process itself sees little to no improvements in the past years. Waste collection means the coming of trucks to collect waste from each of their serviced bins then sending the waste to a landfill. But, with that practice, problems always arise.


What Does This Result Into?

This results in missed bins. Missing bins is a result of the collector unable to locate the bins. Furthermore, it can also be due to the garbage truck’s inability to access the location of the bin. This all stems from inefficient waste management, along with a lack of proper communication between the provider and the client/customer.

You can expect negative results from this. First, it delays the collection schedule, obviously. And, this will not happen just once; this can happen quite frequently because of inefficient waste management. Without proper communication, collection schedule might be too early or too late, which are both bad.

Second, it results in your business procuring more costs than usual. That is because the heavier your bin is, the more that it costs.

Third, and, lastly, it results in more trucks on the road. I will discuss this in the next section.

Additionally, the lack of proper planning in the development, execution, and maintenance process will also result in inefficient waste management. If you have read our blog on waste management for residential services, you will know that even at the development stage of a house or building, you must consider efficient waste management.

Alongside garbage disposal, resource recovery must also be prioritised. If not, it can create problems, as well.

In the next section, we will discuss the main point of the blog: the negative effects of inefficient waste management.


The Negative Effects Of Inefficient Waste Management

Inefficient waste management not only affects your respective businesses, but it also affects the environment, along with humans and animals, as well.

As such, here are some of the negative effects of inefficient waste management:


1. Soil and water contamination

This is the biggest negative effect of the list. In landfills, it is certainly not uncommon to see different types of rubbish residing in there. The unfortunate part about this is that hazardous waste also falls into the landfill; this will contaminate both the soil and water surrounding the area. This is called leachate.

Additionally, you also have to factor in rain. Water is a solvent, which means it dissolves solid, liquid, and gaseous solute. They then mix together to form what we call a solution. This solution, in this particular case, is composed of water and harmful chemicals.

The harmful solution consisting of rainfall and the toxic chemical then seep through other bodies of water, contaminating them as a result.

Different industrial chemicals and pollutants are the direct and biggest contributor to this. If you check this infographic by Visually posted on a Metropolitan Transfer Station, you can get a clearer view of the picture, thus making you more alarmed of the situation.

As such, proper planning and execution is needed to reduce conventional garbage and lessen the pollutants and contaminants as much as possible. Monitoring of waste is especially needed before dumping garbage into a landfill.

2. Low Resource Recovery

You will also, unfortunately, find reusable items and recyclables such as cardboard, metal, and paper in a landfill. These do not go into landfills; they should go to recycling facilities to be processed. But, due to inefficient waste management, many of these items still find themselves going into a landfill.

Resource recovery is very important, nowadays. This is to ensure that waste is diverted from landfill. Furthermore, this is also to save up on our depleting natural resources. Inefficient removes all of those possibilities.


3. Increased carbon footprint and natural resource consumption

Lastly, inefficient waste management increases the carbon footprint. As I have mentioned above, missing bins is the cause of increased carbon footprint and natural resource consumption.

We can link this to the trucks’ travel time, which exhausts quite a lot of CO2.

When the truck misses the bins, then it is only natural that it changes its route to go to the bin location, or it can go back to the waste management and facility travel again tomorrow or the other day. This results in more carbon dioxide exuded into the air, which increases their carbon footprint.

Furthermore, garbage trucks’ increased travel time due to inefficient waste management also consumes a significant amount of fuel, a valuable, non-renewable resource due to its steady depletion over the years. As a result, natural resources are being steadily depleted with the increased consumption of fuel.


Inefficient Waste Management: Conclusion

There are already many ways on how to implement efficient and effective waste management.

As the customer owning a business, you have to make sure to place your bins in areas easily accessible to the collectors. Also, you should communicate with your provider as much as possible. Purchase recycling bins, too, so that you can save money. With the waste levy being implemented in different parts of Australia, it is especially important to divert recyclables or reusable waste from your general waste bin as you would pay for more the heavier your general waste bin is.

As for the waste management providers, make sure that you also communicate with your customers/clients, as well. This is important as this will determine whether or not you can efficiently and effectively collect their waste. And, if problems do arise, you should make sure that you have a competent customer service team to appease and assure the clients that proper measures are being done.


Watch this video for more information on what can go in a commingled recycling bin:

YouTube video


Also, please see our blog on waste management in Perth WA.


Waster: Things You Need To Know

If you’re looking for recycling bins, check our waste recycling shop and find the best deals in terms of pricing and services.

Also, please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837), or email us at if you have any further questions.


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