Inner West Bin Collection 🗑️: Discover why you should pick Waster as your bin provider. What makes Waster the go-to waste and recycling provider in Inner West? Read this blog to learn more.


Just the other day, I met up and spent time with a long-time friend that I have not seen for around a year or so. We talked about a lot of things, which involved stuff about basketball, playing PC games and even starting a business!

We especially focused more on the topic of starting a business. He stated that he had been considering it for a while and would like to know the ins and outs of it. Of course, being that I work for a (great) waste management company, I had this to say:

You can easily remember any important stuff about starting a company or business. But, one thing people do seem to forget to consider and ponder on carefully when doing so is waste management.

As they say, “truer words have never been spoken!” Inner West people, the area that I want to inform in this blog, should never have to worry about their (required) bin or waste collection service with Waster.

Below, we will talk about waste disposal, recycling, the Inner West council and more in this blog.

>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To General Waste Bin Services


A bit about Waster

Before we move on to laying out our offered bin collection services for Inner West businesses, let me share with you more information about Waster.

We here at Waster provide you with innovative solutions for you and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. Furthermore, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves to be better.

Click on the blue button to learn more.

READ: Can You Recycle Suitcases? 💼


Talking about our offered Inner West bin collection services

To start things off, we should learn about the Inner West area first.

Known as an LGA, you can locate it in New South Wales (or simply NSW), looking at the west part of Sydney central business district. Of course, it has a council called the Inner West Council that provides a number of services, one of which includes providing bins for businesses.

The council provides collection bin services for Inner West businesses. They provide it to businesses located in the following suburbs:

  • Annadale
  • Ashbury
  • Ashfield
  • Balmain
  • Balmain East
  • Birchgrove
  • Camperdown
  • Croydon
  • Croydon Park
  • Dulwich Hill
  • Enmore
  • Haberfield
  • Hurlstone Park
  • Leichhardt
  • Lilyfield
  • Marrickville
  • Newtown
  • Petersham
  • Rozelle
  • St Peters
  • Stanmore
  • Summer Hill
  • Sydenham
  • Tempe

Everything seems good and all as they provide the proper details and dos and don’ts on their website, but have you noticed something about the list?

That is right, not every suburb is included on the list, which, of course, means that the Inner West Council cannot provide bin collection services to a significant number of suburbs (those not included in Inner West itself), an example of which is Burwood. Additionally, those they do provide service for may want to try a new provider for a number of reasons – reasons which include saving more money or not getting locked into a long-term contract.


Book with Waster

Businesses do not have to search for further as Waster can help them with all their bin collection and recycling service needs. In addition to that, we could argue that Waster generally provides better services and pricing than councils.

In general, we may have long believed that councils such as in Inner West provide bin collection services at a much cheaper price than commercial services. However, comparing prices (e.g., requesting an online quote) will show you the advantages you can get by getting waste and recycling services commercially.

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Cost-cutting with the help of our Inner West bin collection services and more!

Now, I have already mentioned that you can cut costs with Waster above which you can determine by comparing prices. Here, more details will be explained.

Obviously, as a reputable waste and recycling provider here in Australia, Waster can help businesses incorporate an effective waste management plan. We can talk with businesses about what they can do to stay sharp with their investments and lead them to booking services with a waste management company that can help with your waste and recycling needs effectively.


Be a business with a good reputation

Not only do we help you cut costs, but we can also strengthen your reputation to the customers.

Customers have become more aware of the environment’s state. As a result, many of them have closely been watching other big-named companies. They even include small or medium businesses and their waste and recycling practices on their watch.

With that said, you certainly won’t see any environmentally aware customers coming to your store or maybe even clients partnering with your business if they see you do not have the best waste management practices.

Work with Waster and do your part to help the environment! Boost your reputation by working with the best waste and recycling provider in Australia. Hearing positive news about your company such as what I mentioned prior will garner support from not just your current customers, but also potential ones as well. “A proclaimed “environmentally friendly” business certainly does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”


Available services

Inner West businesses can enjoy a variety of bin collection and disposal services. They can easily arrange all of their waste and recycling needs through one provider, which equates to a headache-free and money-saving practice!

Waster provides all waste and recycling services available in Inner West such as general waste, cardboard or commingled bin collections, sanitary bin services, grease trap cleaning and other services such as organic food waste or confidential paper shredding bins.

You can arrange all your services with Waster and boost your recycling whilst reducing costs. You will also never be trapped into a long-term contract, as we offer the more flexible 30-day contract, instead, and as mentioned above.

Furthermore, we even offer discounts of up to 20 per cent from our normal prices when you bundle Burwood rubbish collection and recycling services!


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