Is Television Recycling Possible In Australia? 📺
Television Recycling 📺: In this blog, we discover the possibility (or lack thereof) when it comes to television (TV) recycling. Is it possible or not? Are there any other options? Read this blog to learn more.
The majority of people watch television. Now, why do you think people buy and watch televisions?
There are a number of reasons for that.
First and foremost, people buy television and watch it for entertainment purposes. A lot of different shows are on TV that cater to different people with different preferences. Second, some people get their own television because they just want to waste away time. There comes a day when there is not much to do, so people resort to just lazing away on a sofa, watching television for hours. Finally, one more reason why people buy televisions is because they want to be updated/keep up with the latest news. I, in particular, got a television because I want to get news and catch up on the happenings occurring around the world.
In other (and shorter) words, people buy and watch televisions to watch something that they enjoy watching.
Upgrading and disposal
Did you know that some people even prefer to buy the biggest flat screen with insane resolutions to amp up their enjoyment? However, buying televisions like that would usually mean discarding the older, less-advanced television units. After all, there would come a time that you would need to dispose of your old televisions. How can you do so in an environmentally friendly way?
The answer that we all think about, of course, is recycling it. But, is television recycling even possible? Or, are there any other disposal options for it. Below, we give you an extensive answer on what you should do to dispose of your televisions the environmentally responsible way.
Short answer: yes, television recycling is indeed possible. There are a number of programs in Australia that accept televisions for recycling.
– Mr Waster
Waster provides waste and recycling solutions for small and medium Aussie businesses
Before we take you further into the discussion and determine whether or not television recycling is possible, along with discovering other options to dispose of them the environmentally responsible way, we want to share Waster, waste and recycling provider, with you.
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Simply put, Waster provides you with innovative solutions for your and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. In addition to that, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves a better choice nowadays.
Click on the blue button below to learn more.
READ: Let Us Take A Look And See If Mirrors Are Recyclable 🪞
Talking about the possibility of television recycling
Can a television, classified as e-waste, be recycled?
The answer is yes – you indeed have recycling options for televisions here in Australia.
We definitely encourage you to look for television recycling options near your area as, of course, who would want to send anything to landfill? Sending televisions to landfill and not recycling them would result in a lot of environmental issues such as exuding hazardous chemicals that can damage the environment – a common issue amongst e-waste. In addition, it would be a great waste to send metals, precious metals, plastics and glass into landfill.
Do take note, however, that you cannot place your discarded television in your household kerbside recycling bin. In turn, there are plenty of options you could go for in Australia when it comes to television recycling.
Another note: you could go the route of contacting your local council and booking a hard waste disposal service, but of course, we would actually prefer you going the better route: recycling.
Television recycling: National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme
According to Planet Ark by Recycling Near You, Australia has a lot of options when it comes to television recycling. They all come from the the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (abbreviated to NCTRS) established in 2011. What does it do? We give you the background of the scheme below.
Basically, it gives every Australian households and small businesses a free access to industry-funded collection and recycling services.
These services are specifically for these e-waste: televisions and computers, including printers, computer parts and peripherals. Not only does the NCTRS give you free access to recycle your television, but it also creates employment opportunities within the recycling sector.
The NCTRS has the following objectives:
- reduce waste to landfill, especially the hazardous materials found in electronic waste (e-waste)
- increase the recovery of reusable materials in a safe, scientific and environmentally sound manner
- provide convenient access to recycling services for households and small businesses throughout Australia.
Currently, there are four organisations handling the recycling of televisions, computer and computer accessories under the scheme:
- Ecycle Solutions
- TechCollect
- Sustainable Product Stewards Pty Ltd
- The Activ Group Solutions Pty Ltd (Ecoactiv)
Take a look at Planet Ark’s website linked above this section to learn more and find a recycler near you now!
Television recycling process
Now, how do televisions get recycled? We state how below.
The recycling facility workers first inspects and finds any working components subject to reusing. As for the recycling process itself, the following events transpire.
- The circuit boards are shredded down to their smallest state – basically, into powder – and separated into plastics and precious metals. This material can also be reformed into a wide range of products.
- The plastic castings are shredded and melted down for use in new products.
- Finally, scrap metals are typically melted down to form new metal-based components.
The CRT glass cannot be recycled anymore because of its exposure to lead. As a result, it is crushed and cleaned, instead. Some are still used in manufacturing new television and computer monitors, but as LCD and plasma television now dominate the market, CRT glass is now being reused.

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