What Can Go In Your Cardboard And Paper Recycling Bin? ♻️: Are you a new business or not? Well, it does not really matter. It is still a good move to know what you can and can’t put in a specific waste bin. In this blog, we cover what you can and can’t put in your cardboard and paper recycling bin. In addition, we highlight our cardboard and paper recycling bin service. 

For new businesses, we offer you our sincerest congratulations. As for the older ones, we hope for your further growth. But for both the new and old businesses, we advise that they give much thought to their waste and recycling.

First of all, any kind of business must note that having reliable waste and recycling services will ensure that you save the environment and do the right thing, whilst saving the business money in the process. Moreover, people (a.k.a. the consumers or customers) nowadays have become much more environmentally aware than they did in the past. They would certainly associate themselves with companies or businesses making conscious efforts to reduce their environmental impact.


Remember this

As a business, you should remember that whatever industry you are in, you will generate a significant amount of waste whether you like it or not. As a result, you should keep in mind to encourage the idea of reuse, recycling and resource recovery before anything else to reduce the amount of waste going to and ending up in landfill. But before achieving these goals, you must first make sure to dispose of waste correctly, which includes placing them in the correct bin.

Cardboard and paper products have a specific type of bin wherein you should place them. Waster, in particular, offers cardboard and paper recycling bin services. This blog will cover what you can and can’t place in the cardboard and paper recycling bin.

If you purchased this service from us, then it is a must to read this blog! But really, anyone can read this blog to learn what usually can and can’t go to a specific type of bin.


Learn who Waster is and what it can do for businesses

Before we go further with what a business can and can’t put in their cardboard and paper recycling bin and more, let me share with you more information about Waster.

>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To Cardboard Recycling Bin Services

We here at Waster provide you with innovative solutions for you and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. Furthermore, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves to be better.

If your business is based in Australia, partnering up with Waster will prove to be beneficial for your business. Here, I enumerate to you what we bring to the table in terms of providing quality waste management services. This gives you a background of what advantages you have acquired now that you’ve partnered with us and availed of our cardboard and paper recycling bin service.

  1. You pay exactly what you asked for – and not a dollar more! For your waste management and recycling needs, avail of our flexible, 30-day contracts instead of those long, unproductive, and hidden fee-containing lock-in contracts.
  2. Designed for small and medium businesses – we help you reduce costs while boosting recycling. That’s a win-win situation!
  3. On-time and reliable – we provide fully-accredited logistics and facility operators. By saying so, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our services.

As such, in the waste management industry, problems are bound to rise like in any other business. If such problems arise in regards to our service, you can talk to our friendly customer service team.

Click on the blue button to learn more.

READ NOW: What Can (And Can’t) Go In Your Commingled Recycling Bin? ♻️


Waster: here’s what you can and can’t put in your cardboard and paper recycling bin

Obviously, when we talk about cardboard and paper recycling, this implies that you can only put items or products that consist of paper and cardboard. However, we do not allow you to put anything else in it (i.e., non-cardboard and non-paper products). We also do not allow confidential papers to be put inside as we have a specific service for that. 

The concept of recycling is thought to be recent, but that could not be further from the truth. Paper recycling, in particular, has been around for more than a thousand years.

The start of recycling can be traced back to as early as 1031 in Japan. During that time period, paper production became much more common as it went away from being solely produced by the state and merge into society. For private businesses back then to maximise paper production and save materials, they resorted to reusing paper waste. Thus, recycling was born!

It has since evolved to cater to other materials, but it is fairly obvious that paper is still the most recycled product. To make things easier for businesses, Waster offers cardboard and paper recycling bin services for both small and medium businesses (SMEs).


More on our cardboard and paper recycling bin service

As already stated, Waster provides SMEs with cardboard and paper recycling bin services.

We offer services ranging from 240-litre wheelie bins to 4.5 cubic-metre front lift bins. Cardboard recycling is the cheapest and easiest recycling service for most businesses.

A 240-litre wheelie bin for cardboard would be suitable for many office-based or smaller retail businesses. Larger bins enable larger volumes of cardboard to be recycled conveniently. Rear lift bins (i.e. the 240-litre, 660-litre and 1100-litre bins) are made from plastic and are easy to move around. Larger front lift bins i.e. the 1.5m3, 3m3 and 4.5m3 bins are made from a metal body topped with a plastic lid.

Waster recommends cardboard and paper recycling as the first recycling service applicable for most businesses.

carbdoard and paper recycling bin sizes


Contact Waster right now for your waste and recycling needs now!

Does your Australian-based business need waste and recycling services? If so, then you have come to the right website!

Please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837).  You can also email us at info@waster.com.au or enquiries@waster.com.au if you have further questions. Find the best deals in terms of waste and recycling pricing and services!


Free Resource cardboard