What Can Go In Your Confidential Paper Destruction Bin? 📝: Whether you are a new business or a ‘veteran’, as they say, it is best to have a reliable bin service. Businesses with sensitive data, in particular, should look to acquire a confidential paper destruction bin service to dispose of unwanted files that you cannot simply throw in the rubbish or recycling bin.  

If your business is new, then we offer you our sincerest congratulations. If it is old, then we wish to see further growth! Whatever state your business is in, it is important to give much thought to both waste and recycling.

All kinds of businesses from different industries keep significant amounts of confidential documents that they would not want just anyone to see, stored in the most secure places of their business premises. Whilst they do keep it for a long time, there will come a period wherein retention of these files will only take up valuable space. As a result, they would have to remove all those unwanted documents.

However, removing these confidential, unwanted documents is not as simple as, say, placing some random paper waste in the cardboard and paper recycling bin. To get rid of any old and unwanted files without having to worry about any leaks, you should get a confidential paper destruction bin service.

Waster, in particular, offers confidential paper destruction bin services.

Now that your business has gotten one with Waster, what are there to remember? What can (and can’t) you put in the bin? This blog will cover what you can and can’t place in the confidential paper destruction bin. We suggest that you read on to learn more.


Learn who Waster is and what it can do for businesses

Before we go further with what a business can and can’t put in their confidential paper destruction bin and more, let me share with you more information about Waster.

>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To Commingled Recycling Bin Services

We here at Waster provide you with innovative solutions for you and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. Furthermore, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves to be better.

If your business is based in Australia, partnering up with Waster will prove to be beneficial for your business. Here, I enumerate to you what we bring to the table in terms of providing quality waste and recycling services. This gives you a background of what advantages you have acquired now that you’ve partnered with us and availed of our confidential paper destruction bin service.

  1. You pay exactly what you asked for – and not a dollar more! For your waste management and recycling needs, avail of our flexible, 30-day contracts instead of those long, unproductive and hidden fee-containing lock-in contracts.
  2. Designed for small and medium businesses – we help you reduce costs while boosting recycling. That’s a win-win situation!
  3. On-time and reliable – we provide fully-accredited logistics and facility operators. By saying so, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our services.

As such, in the waste management industry, problems are bound to rise like in any other business. If such problems arise in regards to our service, you can talk to our friendly customer service team.

Click on the blue button to learn more.

READ NOW: What Can (And Can’t) Go In Your Cardboard And Paper Recycling Bin? ♻️ 

Now, we move on to what you can and can’t put in your confidential paper destruction bin.


Waster: here’s what you can and can’t put in your confidential paper destruction bin

Now, you won’t have to worry about your sensitive data being leaked anymore, thanks to you getting Waster’s confidential paper destruction bin service. To make things easier for businesses, Waster offers cardboard and paper recycling bin services for both small and medium businesses (SMEs).

As the name suggests, our confidential paper destruction bin service makes sure to get rid of any confidential information of all types, covering financial information, medical info or any customer information of a private nature. More specifically, here’s a list of what you should and shouldn’t put in your confidential destruction bin:


What to put

  • Photocopy paper
  • Writing Paper
  • Note paper
  • Non-carbon computer printouts
  • Reports (you can include staples)
  • Forms with paper clips
  • Drawing papers
  • Bond dividers
  • Index sheets
  • Manila folders
  • Lever arch folders with paper inside
  • Fax paper
  • Books, magazines or newspapers
  • Brochures
  • Envelopes including plastic windows
  • Documents with metal or plastic binders
  • Ring binders with documents inside


Do NOT put

  • Any type of plastic
  • Food scraps or wrappers
  • Bond stock – pastels
  • Glass
  • Aluminium
  • Milk cartons
  • Flowers or plants
  • Carbon paper
  • Waxed or coated paper
  • Metal or plastic binders
  • Bulldog clips


More on Waster’s confidential paper destruction bin service

Waster currently offers secure document destruction for businesses in 120 litres or 240-litre wheelie bins. Confidential paper destruction is a cost-effective and easy to organise service for all business types. Do take note that the bin is best positioned inside your office (i.e., near printers etc). The team will swap the bin over for a new bin each time it is serviced.

confidential paper destruction bin service

As for where and how the documents will be destroyed: the contents of the secure paper bin will be destroyed in a secure off-site facility, ensuring the complete confidentiality of your private information.

120-litre confidential paper destruction bin services can be provided at the same price. The bin should be positioned in your office or business in a convenient location for the disposal of confidential documentation. You can also arrange confidential Paper 240-litre shredding bin services on a once-off basis through Waster (i.e. if doing a house clearance etc.).

Confidential paper destruction bins cannot be accessed up flights of stairs (i.e. the service team is unable to move bins up and down stairs). The typical dimensions of a 120-litre wheelie confidential paper destruction bin are c. 93cm Height x 48cm Width x 55cm Depth. The typical dimensions of a 240-litre wheelie confidential paper destruction bin are c. 106cm Height x 58cm Width x 73cm Depth. A smaller 120-litre bin can also be provided.

To finish things off, we suggest that you also watch our YouTube video where we talk about our confidential paper destruction bin service below.

YouTube video


Contact Waster right now for your waste and recycling needs now!

Does your Australian-based business need waste and recycling services? If so, then you have come to the right website!

Please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837).  You can also email us at info@waster.com.au or enquiries@waster.com.au if you have further questions. Find the best deals in terms of waste and recycling pricing and services!


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