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Waster/Refer: Earn Uncapped Referral Commissions! Simply Introduce Businesses To Waster!

When you sign up as a Waster/Refer partner, you are able to work on your own time and augment your regular income with uncapped cash referral payments – direct to your bank account every month.

In addition, Waster/Refer partners are paid 15% of every dollar Waster is paid by the company you successfully refer for the first 6 months of services.

For qualifying referrals, we pay $3 commission to you even if the site does not sign up. Basically, if you are in a café and refer Waster, let Waster shout your coffee for you!

There is no cap on how many companies you refer or how much commission you are paid. Obviously, It is better than the deal most full time sales reps have in big waste companies!

Go On, Be A Waster! Join the Waster/Refer program today and start making regular income from simple and friendly chats!

Waster/Refer: Earn Uncapped Cash Referral Payments!

Earn Better Commissions Than Reps In Big Waste Companies! Go On, Have The Chat!

As the best reviewed waste or recycling business operating in Australia, we have lots of advocates. If you would recommend our services to someone you know, why not get paid (very well!) for your recommendation?

As you will be aware, Waster aims to provide great and reliable services to small and medium Aussie companies on flexible terms and with no hidden extras. As a Waster/Refer partner, you get paid cash to simply introduce potential customers to Waster. You do not need to hard sell or sign up the customer!

Word of mouth and personal recommendations from friends are a great growth driver for Waster. So, through Waster/Refer, we want to incentivise as many people as possible to "go on, have the chat!" We will also pay you $3 for every qualifying referral - whether they sign up or not. So at the very worst, you will get a free coffee or discount on your lunch!

Waster/Refer: The More Info You Provide, The More Chance Of Referral Success!

Site name, address, business type and services - "the basics"
Current charges per bin and supplier info
Is business unhappy with current supplier?
Is business seeking a price match or recycling improvement?

Earn regular income by simply chatting to local businesses when and where you want. No targets or set hours.

Referral partners do not sell anything, they merely recommend and refer businesses to Waster. We pay $3 for every qualifying referral – even if they never sign up!

Earn 15% commission for 6 months on all business you refer. There is no cap on commission.

How Does The Program Work For Referral Partners?

  • Register with Waster/Refer as below.
  • Approach a business (i.e., café, shop etc) and explain & refer Waster's services. Scan your partner QR Code
  • In addition, submit site details to Waster, who will issue a quote to business
  • You will be paid $3 for all qualifying referrals even if they never sign up!
  • If site signs up Waster pays you commission of 15% for 6 months!
YouTube video

Waster/Refer: If You Like Waster, Tell A Friend Or Neighbour

The Best Reviewed Waste & Recycling Business In Australia!

We know you would never refer a poor or even average business! It is good news that Waster get's great reviews from our thousands of customers.

All existing Waster customers are automatically enrolled as Waster/Refer partners. You can select commission to be paid directly - or netted against future invoices.



Waster/Refer: Frequently Asked Questions Or FAQs

Yes, all Waster/Refer partners must have a valid and current ABN.

Referral partners must have a valid and current ABN. In addition, referral partners can only refer businesses to Waster with a different valid and current ABN.

Certainly not!

At Waster, we make bins for waste and recycling super easy. When you refer a business to us, they will be able to tell you what bins (i.e., types of waste and bin sizes) they require. They should also know how often the bins are collected.

If you tell us this info, we will do the rest.

For all qualifying referrals, yes!

With the program, we want to pay you lots of commission because that means we are growing. When you are speaking to customers, we also pay $3 to you for any qualifying referral. This will be paid roughly 2 weeks after you submit the referral and it has been checked that it qualifies. The site does not need to sign up.

Also, this means that if you are approaching a number of sites a day or week, you will at least have your coffees paid for etc.


In fact, you are not expected or even able to sell or provide quotes to businesses. All we ask is the business details such as bin sizes, schedules etc. We will do the rest.

Remember: there is no “sell”, let alone “hard sell”.


We basically want you to be incentivised to refer as many great businesses to Waster as possible. So, we will pay 15% commission for 6 months on all successful referrals.

We want our Waster/Refer partners to be earning more than our CEO!

Any you know or think we could help, really!

At the end of the day, nearly every business requires waste or recycling services of one kind or another.

So, we would suggest you start with companies you know or visit regularly. If you pop in to buy a coffee every morning, why not mention us?



We will tell you!

We really want you to refer lots of sites to us. It is in our interest to pay you commission whenever possible.

So, Waster will tell you if a business accepts our quote following your referral.

Then, when you pop in next time, you will hopefully see our bins and get thanked by the business owner!

When the business pays Waster!

Waster invoices monthly in arrears. If you refer a customer who begins services on 1 Jan, they will pay Waster on 14 Feb. Waster will pay you promptly after money is received.


You can not refer businesses to us that:

– Have the same ABN as your registered ABN

– Have been referred to us previously by another Referral Partner

– That we have issued a quote to in the last 12 months.

– That Waster has previously provided services to.


All existing customers are automatically registered as Waster/Refer partners. We often get referrals from existing customers, after all – they are our best advocates.

The more the merrier!

At the end of the day, the more info you give us, the more likely our quotation is to be accepted.

So, if you go that extra mile, you will see more success and more referral commissions.

We usually ask for the minimum info:

– Contact name

– Address

– Business name


– Type of business

– Bins on site (sizes and type of waste)

– Current collection schedule

Other info we seek that can really help includes:

– Photos of bins and contents

– If business is unhappy with current provider for any reason

– Who provides service currently

– Is there a set price they are looking for us to meet or match?

– Are they seeking to boost recycling

Any other info that you think will help is great!


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