Sharps Collection Service πŸ’‰ Needle Container Collection Service


Sharps Collection Service πŸ’‰ Needle Container Collection Service

Scheduled collection service for small 1.4 litre sharps containers.

This service is for scheduled collection of 1.4 litre sharps containers from businesses. Note – pricing below does not include the provision of sharps containers. Please contact us if you seek provision of sharps containers. You can also purchase sharps containers from third party providers.

Pricing as quoted is exclusive of GST. Pricing is flat rate for collection of up to 4 x 1.4 litre sharps containers per service. Additional sharps containers will be charged at additional fee. Please contact for details.

Pricing includes all mandatory EPA waste tracking fees (i.e. no additional fee).



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Service description

Sharps Collection Service πŸ’‰ Needle Container Collection Service

Scheduled collection service for small 1.4 litre sharps containers.

This service is for scheduled collection of 1.4 litre sharps containers from businesses. Note – pricing below does not include the provision of sharps containers. Please contact us if you seek provision of sharps containers. You can also purchase sharps containers from third party providers.

Pricing as quoted is exclusive of GST. Pricing is flat rate for collection of up to 4 x 1.4 litre sharps containers per service

Pricing includes all mandatory EPA waste tracking fees (i.e. no additional fee).

Under environment protection legislation, sharps waste is defined as any waste collected from designated sharps waste containers used in the course of business, commercial or community service activities. This includes any waste resulting from the use of sharps for any of the following purposes

  • human health care by health professionals or health care providers (either at health facilities or at home)
  • medical research or work on cadavers
  • veterinary care or veterinary research
  • skin penetration or the injection of drugs or other substances for medical or non-medical reasons

β€˜Sharps’ means items that

  • have sharp points or edges capable of cutting, piercing, or penetrating the skin (such as needles, syringes with needles or surgical instruments)
  • are designed for the purpose of cutting, piercing or penetrating the skin
  • have the potential to cause injury or infection


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