Medical Waste Service ⚕️
Medical Waste Service ⚕️for business. Silhouette shown of female figure 1.65m tall (the Australian average). Medical / clinical waste bin collection service suitable for Doctors, Dentists and other businesses. Bin sizes in two options – both 120 litre and 240 litres. Note – Waster does not provide bin collection services at private residences.
Suitable for tattoo parlours, beauty parlours, dental surgeries, medical and veterinary practises.
Medical / clinical waste will be treated either via autoclave or incineration (depending on location). Sealed sharps containers can be disposed off in medical waste bin at no additional charge. Clinical waste means any waste resulting from medical, nursing, dental, pharmaceutical, skin penetration or other related clinical activity, being waste that has the potential to cause injury, infection or offence, and includes waste containing any of the following:
human tissue (other than hair, teeth and nails), bulk body fluids or blood
visibly blood-stained body fluids, materials or equipment, laboratory specimens or cultures
animal tissue, carcasses or other waste from animals used for medical research
Showing all 8 results
Sharps Collection Service 💉 Needle Container Collection Service
120 litre Medical Waste Bin Service ⚕️ Clinical Waste Bin
240 litre Medical Waste Bin Service ⚕️ Clinical Waste Bin
660 litre Medical Waste Bin Service ⚕️ Clinical Waste Bin
120 litre Cytotoxic Waste Bin Service ⚕️ Cytotoxic Waste Bin
240 litre Cytotoxic Waste Bin Service ⚕️ Cytotoxic Waste Bin
120 litre Pharmaceutical Waste Bin Service 💊 Pharma Waste Bin
240 litre Pharmaceutical Waste Bin Service 💊 Pharma Waste Bin