Are Egg Shells Recyclable? 🥚: In this blog, we debate whether or not egg shell are recyclable. We will also present you with viable options to dispose of your egg shell waste the environmentally responsible way. Continue reading this blog to learn more.


One of the most popular food in this world is egg. It has lots of uses and applications in different settings you would not originally know.

Not only does it supply you with healthy amounts of protein, but you can also prepare it  easily and buy it cheap from the grocery store.

In addition, you have the option of cook them in different ways. For instance, you can cook your eggs sunny-side up or scrambled. You can even use eggs if you want to bake. Cooking something fancy? Eggs are usually a key ingredient of its recipe. Too lazy to even use a spatula? Then simply boil it! As I have a rice cooker at home, when I cook rice (I love rice), I automatically add a few eggs and boil them there – boiling eggs in a rice cooker saves me time, resources and money.

Easter Sunday makes use of eggs; eggs are painted in different colours and scattered all around. Called Easter eggs, they are then searched for and gathered by children. They can also be eaten afterwards.



Now that you have used or consumed the eggs, what do you with its outer part aka its shell? In the past – or even now, maybe – you will place it in your rubbish bin (i.e., general waste bin) without putting too much thought into it.

Do note, however, that you have a better and more environmentally friendly option of dealing with your egg shells instead of sending them to landfill. Recycling, in particular, comes to mind when talking about environmentally friendly. The questions are: is egg shell recycling the answer? Are egg shells even recyclable? Let us discover more and delve deeper into the discussion.

Short answer: the best way to deal with egg shells are by crushing them into teeny, tiny pieces and including them in your compost bin. You can opt not to crush them, but doing so increases the speed of composting.

– Mr Waster


Recycling solutions available for small and medium Aussie businesses, provided by Waster

Before we take you further into the discussion, talking about egg shells being recyclable, and present you with other viable options, we want to share Waster with you.

Who is Waster? Why do plenty consider it as one of the best waste and recycling companies in Australia?

>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To Commingled Recycling Bin Services

Simply put, Waster provides you with innovative solutions for your and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. In addition to that, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves a better choice nowadays.

Click on the blue button below to learn more.

READ: Is Hair Recyclable? 💁 We Take A Look At The Possibility! 


Egg shells are not recyclable, but they are compostable

Recycling is already something expected when dealing with all types of waste. Recycling first comes to mind when they come across any item or product considered as useless. As egg shells typically have no use to us, we ponder on recycling them in this situation.

Do note, however, that egg shells are not recyclable , meaning they cannot be placed in your recycling bin. Of course, we would not want you to put them in your general waste bin, either, as we do not want them going and rotting into landfill. So, what other option/s do we have?

With that said, people usually get confused with the term recycling and associate it with any process that involves dealing with waste without sending them to their rubbish bin. That notion is wrong, but we understand why it gets quite confusing. The real sense of ‘recycling’ egg shells is, in fact, composting them.

Therefore, do not consider egg shells as recyclable; consider egg shells as compostable. You can send them to your organic food waste bin or just compost them yourself if you prefer.


How to compost egg shells

We highly consider composting your egg shells as this brings a necessary benefit to the soil: providing calcium. Calcium gained in composting egg shells will help plants build their cell walls. Your plants will grow at a slower rate without adding calcium into the compost. Egg shells are considered as greens (e.g., grass clippings, leaves etc.) and should be mixed with browns (twigs, dried leaves etc.) to successfully concoct compost.

Do you need to crush the egg shells further into smaller pieces? Answer: whilst that is not necessary, it will certainly help speed up the process of breaking them down in the compost.

Also, remember to wash them first so no animals can smell them and reduce the minimal amount of risk disease a raw egg contains.


‘Recyclable’ egg shells: other options

What about adding them straight to the soil? That is also a good option that you can do. Plant them with your veggies such as tomatoes so that they do not blossom-end rot. It will not help those plants that have already bloomed, but it can help with the soil by providing calcium. And, when you decide to plant again, the calcium-filled soil thanks to the egg shells will definitely help!


Waster’s organic food waste service

For small and medium Aussie businesses, we provide organic food waste services for you.

Organic waste services in 120 litre bin sizes: Please contact our customer service team for larger bin options. By removing food items from your general waste bin, you can reduce the weight and hence cost of waste management for your business and significantly boost your overall recycling performance.

And, as mentioned above, you also divert food waste from landfill!

Do not put a plastic bag or any other contaminants; facilities cannot treat them and they will ruin a whole batch.

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Contact Waster right now for your waste and recycling needs!

Does your Australian-based business need waste and recycling services? If so, then you have come to the right web page!

Please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837).  You can also email us at if you have any further questions. Find the best deals in terms of waste and recycling pricing and services!


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