Waste Expo Australia 🌏: Even with the recent unfortunate events that happened in the world, we still have something to look forward to every day. One of them is the Waste Expo Australia event.

Have you heard of this particular event? Or, have you gone to one? If not, read on to learn more.

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A bit about Waster

Before we discuss the Waste Expo Australia event, let me share with you more information about Waster.

We here at Waster provide you with innovative solutions for you and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. Furthermore, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves to be better.

Click on the blue button to learn more.

READ: Waste Management Launceston 🗑️


Waste Expo Australia: waste and recycling’s future

If this is the first time you are hearing of this event, let me discuss it with you.

Basically, Waste Expo Australia is an event that gathers all of the waste management and resource professionals here in Australia. Businesses interact with other businesses in this free-to-attend conference. It also features an exhibition of the latest and trendiest technology and information to counter Australia’s waste management and recycling problem.

This is really an interesting event for me, personally, because I find the idea of businesses and other entities working together very wonderful. Especially with the events that transpired in the past, the biggest businesses gathering and coming up with a solution for them will definitely impact Australia in lots of positive ways.

However, I kept asking myself this question: “will the Waste Expo Australia still happen even with the global pandemic COVID-19 at hand?”


What will transpire in 2022?

Since its start, the Waste Expo Australia event tackled pressing issues. One of the more notable issues it tackled is China’s National Sword policy, the strict regulation of the solid waste imported by China. You can read all about it here on our blog on China waste problem and Australia waste export.

But now, with the COVID-19 rampant in all parts of the world, there exists a new issue. Basically, it has affected all sectors of every industry to exist. Implemented social distancing regulations and the lockdown itself made it hard for businesses to go on about their usual approach. In fact, this also affected the waste management sector badly.

But, even with the impact of the global pandemic, the waster sector will still do its best to keep running.

Additionally, even with the COVID-19, the Waste Expo Australia in 2021 still forged ahead. According to Cory McCarrick, Waste Expo Australia Event Director, they will still progress, provided that they do so “cautiously, yet optimistically”. This, according to him, is the best option for the industry.

After all, the health and safety of the staff, visitors, and the exhibitors of the Waste Expo Australia.


What does Waste Expo Australia offer?

In 2022, the Waste Expo Australia will take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 26 and 27 October 2022. Every year, you will see the following occurrence in the event:

  • Show features
  • Exhibition
  • Conference
  • Networking
  • Co-located Events

Last year in 2021, the Waste Expo Australia included 7 targets:

  • collections,
  • resource recovery,
  • landfill & transfer stations,
  • waste to energy,
  • commercial & industrial waste,
  • construction & demolition waste, and
  • wastewater

Additionally, they will also showcase the “future of waste and recycling” in Australia. We will have to wait later this year on what the focus will be.


Other waste expos

In other news, there will transpire another waste and recycling expo on 24 and 22 August 2022.

This event is called the Australasian Waste and Recycling Expo, which will take place at the ICC Sydney, Darling Harbour.


Why should you attend expos and participate in exhibits?

As I have mentioned above, many businesses attend these waste and recycling expo in Melbourne, Sydney or in any other parts of Australia to trade information and connect with visitors or exhibitors.

And to note, Waster generally does not exhibit as our target market are the small and medium companies who usually do not attend those events.

Additionally, according to the Australasian Waste and Recycling Expo, or AWRE, here is what you will enjoy if you went to, join, or participate in exhibitions:


Generate high-value leads

Exhibiting at AWRE – or any other Australia waste expo – will ensure that you meet up with the best of the best; your business will meet with the most notable and powerful organisations and “senior decision-makers”.

Furthermore, buyers or exhibitors that you will meet there are powerful indeed, with budgets coming from Australia’s waste sector. With almost all of the attendees being powerful, sort of what we call a “bigshot” colloquial terms, this is a one of a kind event that can see your business partnering up or exchanging information with other businesses.


New ideas and innovations

Visitors have other agendas, aside from business purposes, like reducing their waste, their waste disposal cost, and improving their efficiencies. Conversely, they may be on the other end of the spectrum and are the ones who want to promote their waste management products, instead.

By attending the mentioned exhibitions, your business gets a platform to showcase and promote your products and services and attract potential clients/customers.


Connect with the NSW Market

Attending waste expos in Australia as an exhibitor provides you with access to the prestigious NSW market.  Furthermore, as stated by the AWRE website, “AWRE offers exhibitors an unrivalled opportunity to do business with some of the state’s most progressive businesses and profit from the NSW Government’s investment in the state”.


Extend your marketing reach

Marketers arise! By exhibiting in the AWRE – or other waste expos in Australia – this will provide you with branding and promotional opportunities with the waste expo’s wide reach. It will surely increase your exposure and trigger engagements with other industry professionals.


Waste Expo Australia: conclusion

Obviously, participating in waste management expo in Melbourne, Sydney, or in any parts of Australia in 2022 will really help you reach out to others and expose your products, as well.

Please check our new video posted here:

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Waster: things you need to know

If you’re looking for general waste and recycling bins, check our waste recycling shop and find the best deals in terms of pricing and services.

Also, please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837), or email us at enquiries@waster.com.au if you have any further questions.


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