Waster Hailed As One Of Australia’s Fastest Growing Companies In AFR Fast 100 List 2021 🏆
Garbage Collection Startup 🏆: The AFR recently released the AFR Fast 100 List for 2021. And – you guessed it – Waster was included! Continue reading this blog to learn more about the details.
It has been 6 years since Waster was built with and from a clear vision. Since then, a lot of fortunate – and unfortunate ones, as well – events transpired. But here we are today, still providing waste and recycling services for small and medium businesses all across Australia.
Along with 99 others, Waster has made its way to one of the fastest growing companies in Australia the year 2020-2021 has seen. Now in its 31st year, The Australian Financial Review, or simply The AFR, has once again reviewed and recognised the fastest starters Australia has to offer this year. All kinds and types of companies have made their way to the list, but none more sweeter than garbage collection startup Waster – at least for us, that is!
Below, we share you with you more details you should know about this prestigious recognition.
Know more about Waster: for smart, small or medium Aussie businesses
Before we fill you in with further details about Waster’s, the garbage collection startup, prestigious recognition, we want you to learn more about what Waster does.
Who is Waster? Why do plenty consider it as one of the best waste and recycling companies in Australia?
>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To General Waste Bin Services
Simply put, Waster provides you with innovative solutions for your and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. In addition to that, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves a better choice nowadays.
Click on the blue button below to learn more.
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Learn more about the garbage collection startup’s AFR Fast 100 List 2021 inclusion

Waster was included at the 97th spot on The AFR Fast 100 List for years 2020-2021. The garbage collection startup garnered a 34.4 per cent increase in compound annual growth rate in FY 19-21, or simply CAGR. This is a significant improvement as despite the pandemic, Waster pushed through and still provided its A-game to everyone.
Where did the sudden growth come from, you ask? Make no mistake – the growth was not suddent and definitely not easy! It took countless hours of planning, execution and hard work for us to get here. And of course, we could not have done it without our customers who have always trusted us to provide the best waste and recycling services. Even with the pandemic still looming around, we made sure to cater to businesses’ waste and recycling needs.
Meanwhile, the fastest of The AFR Fast 100 List 2021 is Grow Finance, a non-bank lender catering to small and medium enterprises (like Waster). They achieved a whopping 21.8 million dollars in 2021-21, increasing 549 per cent from 2018-19.
How do you become eligible? To be eligible into the Fast 100 list, a business must have started trading on or before 1 July 2016, and should’ve had turnover greater than 500,000 dollars in 2016-17.
Another list: AFR Fast Starters
Aside from the Fast 100 List, The AFR also released the Fast Starters for 2021. This list was topped by GetFish, a business that does seafood home deliveries. Of course, this is due to the fact that the pandemic opened greater opportunities for home delivery services to flourish. It reeled in a revenue of 19.4 million dollars in 2020-21, an increase of 726 per cent since 2018-19.
As for Fast Starter, how does a business become eligible? A business must have started trading after 1 July 2016. The business should also have had a turnover greater than 200,000 dollars in 2018-19.
Why Waster, garbage collection startup, is part of the list
In the Australian waste marketplace, Waster is definitely included. Do you know the reasons why?
First, we offer only the best!
Waster focuses on the following:
- delivering low-cost waste management,
- doing so at great prices, and
- not forgetting about excellent customer service.
Of course, as mentioned, we do not have the same, usual processes like other suppliers. All of our services are on flexible, 30-day agreements because no one really benefits from long-term contracts, in our opinion. That makes us a unique waste marketplace from others.
This garbage collection startup also offers a wide range of waste and recycling services. Small and medium businesses in Australia can enjoy a variety of bin collection and disposal services. They can easily arrange all of their waste and recycling needs through one provider, which equates to a headache-free and money-saving practice!
Whatever kind of service you want, we have! This includes general waste, cardboard or commingled bin collections, sanitary bin services, grease trap cleaning and other services such as organic food waste or confidential paper shredding bins.
You can arrange all your services with Waster and boost your recycling whilst reducing costs. You will also never be trapped into a long-term contract, as we offer the more flexible 30-day contract, instead, and as mentioned above.
Garbage collection startup: final thoughts for this blog
Although the last 2 years have been quite rough on us, we have certainly still enjoyed the ups and downs we achieved throughout these times. No pandemic is going to stop us from providing the best customer service! Rest assured that we will still perform our duties keep businesses’ areas clean and waste-free.
We thank you for always trusting Waster!
On a different note, did you know that de-industrialisation actually hurts recycling? Watch our video on YouTube to learn more.

Contact Waster today for your waste and recycling needs!
Does your Australian-based business need waste and recycling services? If so, then you have come to the right web page!
Please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837). You can also email us at enquiries@waster.com.au if you have any further questions. Find the best deals in terms of waste and recycling pricing and services!
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